Of Interest

Eric Crampton and Craig Renney give their takes on 2023 Budget

Episode Summary

Budget 2023: Are gaming sector subsidies like nuclear war? Is govt debt a Hermès handbag?

Episode Notes

Economists Eric Crampton of the New Zealand Initiative and Craig Renney of the Council of Trade Unions share their views on what Budget 2023 got right and what it got wrong.

Crampton explains why giving subsidies to the game development industry is a sort of mutually assured waste of taxpayer money, and how tobacco tax could mean the government books take an extra year to return to surplus. 

Renney tells us how S&P Global Ratings said NZ government debt was not unlike a designer Hermès handbag and makes the case that Budget 2023 is not as inflationary as some have claimed. 

But neither think that it matched up to its 'No-Frills' moniker.