Of Interest

Tim Grafton: 12 years at the coalface of the insurance industry

Episode Summary

Could insurers afford a Canterbury-sized earthquake in Wellington? ICNZ’s departing CEO Tim Grafton says it raises ‘some questions’ around reinsurance affordability

Episode Notes

The departing Chief Executive of the Insurance Council of New Zealand says if Wellington is hit with an earthquake on a similar scale to the Canterbury quakes, it would “raise some questions” on whether NZ insurers would be able to continue to purchase reinsurance at an affordable cost.

“I think reinsurers would still be there. But the ability to purchase reinsurance at a good rate and the degree of capacity that would be available, particularly for property in Wellington, could be really challenging,” he says in a new episode of interest.co.nz’s Of Interest podcast.

“Ensuring how we manage that risk is really critical because we're very dependent on offshore capital and reinsurance to help support our insurance programs in New Zealand.”

The Insurance Council says to date, private insurers have incurred over $21 billion in expenses due to the Canterbury Earthquakes.

Toka Tū Ake EQC has contributed an additional $10 billion, resulting in a total insured cost surpassing $31 billion for the event. 

The Insurance Council estimates the overall economic losses for the entire sequence are estimated to exceed $40 billion.

This week marks the conclusion of Grafton's nearly 12-year tenure as CEO of the Insurance Council and he reflected on his time in the role on the podcast.

He says lessons were learnt from the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury Earthquakes, which were then applied to responses to the Kaikōura earthquake in 2016 and the Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle last year as well.

“When that [Kaikōura] earthquake struck, which was just a little bit after midnight, I think, on the 14th November, a lot of people were thrown out of bed almost by the earthquake in Wellington. And after the shaking stopped, I rang my counterpart at EQC Ian Simpson [EQC’s Chief Executive at the time] and said, ‘we’ve got to do better than Canterbury and can we meet in a few hours and work out where we go from here’,” he says.

“So, within four weeks, we had the foundations of an agreement which enabled insurers to manage and settle claims on behalf of EQC. And that meant that for the customer, there was one point of accountability and responsibility for their claims, their insurer. And so it didn't matter whether it was an EQC claim or an insurer claim, they didn't get bounced around between the two.”

“So from that, we then developed a more formal and longer lasting agreement with EQC to be their agents. And I think also the experience of those events from Canterbury through to Kaikōura, meant that when the Auckland anniversary floods and Cyclone Gabrielle came along, we were well seasoned in dealing with these kinds of situations.”

Kris Faafoi will be the Insurance Council’s new Chief Executive from next week. Faafoi held a number of portfolios during the Sixth Labour Government before he quit politics in 2022, including Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Broadcasting and Media, Immigration and Civil Defence.

You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.